Briefly in English

Haaksirikko or Shipwreck is a historical live action role-playing game set in the 18th century Finland. The event is held from May 31 to June 2, 2019 in the historical Brinkhall manor house in Turku, Finland. The main themes of the game include shipwrecking, smuggling, sumptuary laws, 18th century lifestyle and the clash between scientific and belief based world views. As organizers we are aiming for an immersive, communal and action-packed experience that combines period drama with fairytales and pirate adventures.

The game utilizes a new alternative history concept “The Firstborn Is Dead” where historical gender roles are replaced by roles determined by the order of birth. Firstborns represent the  culturally constructed stereotypical masculine qualities, while Secondborns have the stereotypical feminine qualities. Players own gender does not affect the casting or character’s possibilities to act but the historical differences and contradictions can be played on.

Haaksirikko is organized for a Finnish speaking audience and all of the materials beside this page will be available only in Finnish. If there is interest, we are considering the possibility of organizing an international run in English, maybe in summer 2020.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us on